Auto-Renewal Policy

To avoid potentially losing access to your software, before the end of each subscription term we’ll auto-renew you for another term (until you cancel) by charging your payment method on file the renewal term subscription price in effect at the time of renewal (pricing subject to change). We’ll email you in advance as well as send you a receipt. We'll use the credit or debit card or other payment method you provide (as updated later by you, your card issuer or payment network) for your auto-renewal. You may request a refund by contacting our Customer Support at within 60 days of the initial purchase or auto-renewal.

The next payment will automatically take place on the day your current subscription ends. You will be charged the same cart value for the renewal that you paid to subscribe to the license at first. You may cancel your license subscription anytime you want. You may request to cancel your subscription either by contacting us or the bank/credit card provider.

Don’t want to auto-renew? Turn it off any time by contacting our Customer Support at In the email please include your order or subscription Id, so we can better locate your order with us.